

Trusted & Reliable Liquidity, Aggregated From Major LPs & Banks

Pure ECN Spreads

Market Execution

No Dealing Desk

No Re-quotes

With our state-of-art liquidity aggregation & execution technology, enjoy the most trusted and reliable pricing across all major financial instruments.

Coinexx completely understands that how spreads can directly impact your trading strategies, wider is the spread, probability of profits are less. Coinexx have build up a strong institutional relationship with major LPs across the globe to offer deep liquidity and low latency connectivity. We variable spreads with fractional pip pricing till 5th decimal digit just like the interbank liquidity so that a trader can take benefits from an even small price fluctuation. Our tight spreads are available for all clients, irrespective of the account balance & account type. We constantly invest in our liquidity technology to make sure that you get reliable liquidity, irrespective of changing market conditions.

Symbol# Bid# Ask# SPREAD#
EURJPY 159.963 160.155 0.192
EURGBP 0.85324 0.8546 0.00136
EURCAD 1.45228 1.45262 0.00034
EURCHF 0.93484 0.93534 0.0005
USDJPY 148.235 148.411 0.176
GBPUSD 1.2623 1.26372 0.00142
USDCAD 1.34564 1.34683 0.00119
USDCHF 0.86642 0.86705 0.00063
GBPJPY 187.42 187.516 0.096
Symbol# Bid# Ask# SPREAD#
XNGUSD 2.076 2.109 0.033
XAUAUD 3130.81 3134.63 3.82
XAUEUR 1889.86 1892.11 2.25
XAGAUD 34.741 35.037 0.296
Symbol# Bid# Ask# SPREAD#
Symbol# Bid# Ask# SPREAD#
USDC-USD 0.99851 1.00114 0.00263
LTC-USD 67.325 67.47 0.145
XRP-USD 0.50855 0.51061 0.00206
BTC-USD 42751.665 42835.155 83.49
ETH-USD 2293.65 2302.32 8.67
USDT-USD 0.99882 1.000155 0.001335